Movie Night

Pathways Vermont Community Center 279 North Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT, United States

Drop by the Community Center to enjoy a movie with us!

Magic The Gathering themed Game Night

Pathways Vermont Community Center 279 North Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT, United States

This month we are hosting a Magic the Gathering themed monthly game night!  Bring your own deck, build one from our limited supply, or come to spectate. Snacks and masks provided. RSVP required - [email protected]    

Grab n’ Go Meal

Swing by the Community Center to join in our first contact free meal.  No masks and rsvps required!  Meals will be just outside the Community Center for pick-up. Menu: Grilled cheese with avacado, tomato and pesto!

Game Night

We'll be bringing out all the stops, Nintendo Switch, Magic Cards, and tons of board games.  Feel free to bring your own as well!  Snacks provided, masks required.  For questions, more info about the event, or to be added to weekly event updates reach out to [email protected].    

Community Meal

This month we will be serving a Pasta Bar with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free pasta options for folks to engage!  Salad and garlic bread as well. We will be asking that folks wear a mask while up from their seats, or while not eating/drinking. We look forward to joining you for another warm meal!

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