Housing First
Permanent housing and community based supports for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness in Vermont.
Community Center
Providing Peer Support to adults who are seeking community and connection around mental health experiences, and employment support.
Soteria House
Therapeutic Community Residence that offers an alternative to hospitalization for individuals experiencing a distressing extreme state.
Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team
Offers flexible, compassionate, community-based services to individuals under the supervision of the Vermont Department of Corrections
24/7 Support Line
Free, confidential and non-judgemental, all Vermonters over the age of 18 can call or text us at 833 VT-TALKS when they’re looking for connection and support.
Training Institute
Providing training and technical assistance for individuals and agencies with an emphasis on a human connection approach to service delivery.
Transforming Lives
Pathways Vermont supports people to live and thrive in the community.

Our Blog
Explore the thoughts and ideas of our Executive Director, Hilary Melton, as well as other Pathways Vermont staff members and guest bloggers for different perspectives around mental health, social justice, and relationship-first practices.

Upcoming Events & Trainings

James’ Journey from Incarceration to Housing
James is a program participant working with Pathways Vermont’s Department of Corrections (DOC) program. He describes himself as loving, caring, and deeply committed to helping others in any way he can.
Come Learn More About Pathways Vermont

Community members are invited to join volunteers, program participants, and staff members of Pathways Vermont to hear information and stories about our people, programs, and services around the state.
Vermont has seen a dramatic increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness and struggling with mental health in recent years. As a non-profit that has been providing peer-led support to Vermonters since 2010, Pathways Vermont’s value-driven approach offers people a sense of connection, access to permanent housing, and another door to walk through for mental health care.