Thank you to our board for your unwavering dedication and passion for Pathways Vermont! Your support has been instrumental in helping us advance our mission of ending homelessness and providing innovative mental health alternatives.

“I volunteer for Pathways to support the team at Soteria who provide state-of-the-art care for people in extreme states and who I know execute with great discipline, and little recognition, on their mission. Few Vermonters know of the innovation in mental health services championed at Soteria and so I push for broader awareness and adoption of the program’s practices. Many of the current approaches in psychiatric care are very narrow and crude and in the work at Soteria we are seeing new steps taken to increase the flourishing of the human mind!”
– Peter Toshev
“I run the state’s largest affordable housing funding agency and so volunteering and donating to Pathways Vermont felt like the “right” thing to do. But this all became much more personal when my family member was diagnosed with a severe mental illness and began to detach and deteriorate before my eyes. I developed a new appreciation for the critical value of Pathways. The team at Pathways Vermont can connect with people in ways few others can. I give my time, energy, and money to Pathways because I watch them save lives – including family members like mine – across the state.”
– Maura Collins
“I wholeheartedly believe Pathways is one of the most exciting, innovative and effective organizations working to end homelessness and improve mental health care in the country. I am so grateful Vermont has a resource like Pathways throughout its counties and it brings a lot of meaning and joy to my life to be able to directly support their work to care for our community. Getting involved and learning more about their approach, practices and results in Vermont has changed my outlook on the future too, giving me real hope that our society can develop and implement empathic and effective solutions to address chronic problems.”
– Wright Cronin
“Since joining the board of Pathways Vermont in 2018, I have seen firsthand the incredible impact this organization has in providing support to individuals struggling with mental health and homelessness. Every day, we encounter people from all walks of life who are facing these challenges. Whether it’s a close friend, family member, or even a stranger, we are all affected by the toll that these struggles take on our communities and loved ones. That’s why I believe supporting organizations like Pathways isn’t just the right thing to do, but a necessary step towards creating a more compassionate and equitable society for all.”
– Tim Wall
“I give of my time, talent, and treasure to Pathways Vermont because their Housing First model is making a powerful difference in the lives of Vermonters. I’ve seen firsthand Pathways make a difference with friends I know that have been extremely hard to house.”
– John Rogers
“I volunteer and support Pathways because when some of our community members are struggling more than others, it is important to take care and support our people, especially with basic human needs. Letting people have choices is so important to healing and helping. I can’t quit Pathways because it is a part of who I am now.”
– Sara Mahon