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Overdose Prevention and Management Training

February 13 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


In this 2-hour workshop, participants will learn about this person-directed approach utilizing multiple strategies to reduce the negative consequences of harmful behaviors associated with the use of drugs. Together, we’ll explore how to meet folks where they are and support them to develop strategies to gain control over areas of their lives that may be destructive. Participants will: develop empathy and compassion by reflecting on our own harmful behaviors; investigate the utilization of self-harm behaviors as survival tools for managing pain, trauma, and anxieties; learn about strategies for navigating and diminishing harm; practice engaging in conversations about the pain and trauma that lead to harmful behaviors; and learn basic overdose prevention & management skills.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be;

  • able to identify what is happening during an overdose and the potential risks associated.
  • able to identify the signs of overdose and respond with lifesaving measures, including Naloxone.
  • informed of the different bodily responses to stimulants and how to identify potential overuse of stimulants.


Skylar Kelley, RN, is the Nurse Team Lead at Pathways Vermont. They have worked in various nursing settings including ICU, cardiac care, and in the community. They believe that healthcare that feels supportive and choice-centered should be available to ALL of us, ALL of the time…for FREE! Skylar is passionate about harm-reduction, collective liberation, and donuts. They live in Colchester, VT with their spouse, toddler, and two cats. In their spare time they play dress-up with said toddler and try to convince her that walking in the woods continuously in one direction (you might call it “hiking”) is a good time.


Please log in from a quiet, undisturbed location for this event as there are interactive sessions with discussions, not webinars.

This training is for people who work and/or live in Vermont. This training is free of charge to participants and generously sponsored by the Peer Workforce Development Initiative.

Contact [email protected] with any questions.


February 13
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


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